What is a diagnostic scan tool and why is it used on my vehicle?
Modern vehicles have very complicated electrical systems which are controlled by modules/computers. Scan tools are very sophisticated electronic devices that connect to the diagnostic plug in your vehicle and allow access to any fault codes that may be stored by an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) in your vehicle. They allow the technician to easily check the operation of electronic sensors, components and wiring that are associated with those systems. Diagnostic scan tools are one of the most important pieces of equipment in today's workshops and vary in capabilityfrom a cheap code reader (for the DIY enthusiast) to a more costly (for the professional workshop) interrogation and coding machine.

Autologic DrivePro
Our Autologic Drive PRO tool is a top of the line robust vehicle diagnostic and service tool. It buys the factory licences and software for all premium European vehicle manufacturers including BMW, Mini, Land Rover, Range Rover, Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Porsche, Jaguar, Volvo and allows us to do remote programming and coding as the dealer can. With every service your vehicle will also get a scan with this tool.
All of this is backed with unrivaled technical support from vehicle brand-specific Master Technicians and Specialist Software Engineers on call. This gives you the confidence in us to undertake any service or repair work on your European vehicle to the factory standards.

Pico Scope
Think of a Pico Scope as the X-ray machine of diagnostics, letting you see the changing signals inside wires. This is the latest diagnostic technology for auto-electricians and takes guessing out of the equation saving us time and you money.

Engine detox and carbon clean
A lot of modern engines by design are prone to carbon build up in the intake system. Over time as the carbon build up increases the efficiency of the engine reduces. This means your car doesn't perform at its optimum performance and you use more fuel and produce more emissions.
Most of our customers like to keep their cars not only going, but going like they should and we've had outstanding feedback from all of our customers who have had a Carbon Engine Clean done on their vehicle.

Jevol Brake Test Lane with Suspension Tester
We have recently invested in a 4 plate brake test lane with suspension tester which is NZTA approved and used on every warrant of fitness at Automotive Solutions Greerton. This piece of diagnostic equipment mimics real road conditions and allows us to check for a brake imbalance in the front, rear and hand brake.
It's important that this is done at every warrant of fitness because if you need to hit the brakes at 100km pr/h and your brakes have over 20% imbalance then it's possible you will spin out.
We also have the ability to check the shock absorbers with motorised vibration plates at varing speeds.

John Bean V2300 Wheel Aligner With XD Technology
Wheel alignments adjust all geometric angles of the tyres. It is a very important operation because it prevents an abnormal wear of tyres, guarantees a perfectly straight-line motion and a safe engagement with the steering wheel.
Our Geoliner V2300 has patented technology which has a touchless wheel clamping system that is fast, easy to use and provides secure clamping without touching the rim. It also has the ability to identify frame or structural damage with Cross-diagonal measurements. The Rolling Radius identifies mismatched tyre sizes, a potential cause of vehicle pulling and drive train damage.
18 Glenlyon Avenue, Greerton, Tauranga
Monday - Friday
8am - 4.30pm